
Saturday, 30 December 2017


Having adored Vishnu in a hundred sacrifices each of which was distinguished by plentiful gifts as Dakshina, Maghavat put this question to Vrihaspati, that foremost of all eloquent persons.'

"Maghavat said, 'O illustrious one, by what gift does one succeed in coming to Heaven and attaining to beatitude? O foremost of speakers, do thou tell me of that gift which is productive of high and inexhaustible merit.'

"Bhishma continued, 'Thus addressed by the chief of the celestials the preceptor of the deities, viz., Vrihaspati of great energy, said these words in reply unto him of a hundred sacrifices. Endued as he is with the merits that attach to the gift of earth, the region of felicity reserved for the person who makes gift of such earth as is auspicious and rich with every taste, never become exhausted. 1 That king, O Sakra, who desires to have prosperity and who wishes to win happiness for himself, should always make gifts of earth, with due rites, unto deserving persons. If after committing numerous sins a person makes gifts of earth unto members of the regenerate class, he casts off all those sins like a snake casting off its slough. The person that makes a gift of earth is said to make gifts of everything, that is, of seas and rivers and mountains and forests. By making a gift of earth, the person is said to give away lakes and tanks and wells and streams. In consequence of the moisture of earth, one is said to give away articles of diverse tastes by making a gift of earth. The man who makes a gift of earth is regarded as giving away herbs and plants possessed of high and efficacious virtues, trees adorned with flowers and fruit, delightful woods, and hillocks. The merit that a person acquires by making a gift of earth is incapable of being acquired by the performance of even such great sacrifices as the Agnishtoma and others with plentiful gifts in the shape of Dakshina.

The giver of earth, it has been already said, rescues ten generations of both his paternal and maternal races. Similarly, by taking away earth that was given away, one hurls oneself into hell and casts ten generations of both one's paternal and maternal lines into the same place of misery. That man who having promised to make a gift of earth does not actually make it, or who having made a gift takes it back, has to pass a long time, in great misery in consequence of being tied with the noose of Varuna at the command of Death. Those men have never to go to Yama who honour and worship those foremost of Brahmanas that pour libations every day on their domestic fire, that are always engaged in the performance of sacrifices, that have scanty means of livelihood, and that receive with hospitality every guest seeking shelter in their abodes The king, O Purandara, should free himself from the debt he owes to the Brahmanas and protect the helpless and the weak belonging to the other orders. The king should never resume, O chief of the deities, earth that has been given away by another unto a Brahmana, O ruler of the celestials, that is destitute of the means of life. 1 The tears that would fall from the eyes of such cheerless and destitute Brahmanas in consequence of their lands being taken back are capable of destroying the ancestors and descendants to the third generation of the resumer. That man who succeeds by his endeavours in re-establishing a king driven away from his kingdom, obtains residence in heaven and is much honoured by the denizens thereof. That king who succeeds in making gifts of earth with such crops standing thereon as sugar-cane or barley or wheat, or with kine and horses and other draft cattle,--earth that has been won with the might of the giver's arms,--that has mineral wealth in its bowels and that is covered with every kind of wealth of the surface, wins inexhaustible regions of felicity in the next world, and such a king it is that is said to perform the earth-sacrifice. That king who makes a gift of earth becomes washed of every sin and is, therefore, pure and approved of the righteous. In this world he is highly honoured and applauded by all righteous men. The merit that attaches to a gift of earth increases every time the earth given away bears crops for the benefit of the owner, even as a drop of oil, falling upon water, is seen to extend on every side, and cover the watery surface. Those heroic kings and ornaments of assemblies who cast off their lives in battle with faces towards the foe, attain, O Sakra, to the region of Brahman. Beautiful damsels skilled in music and dancing and adorned with garlands of celestial flowers, approach, O chief of the deities, the giver of earth as he comes to heaven departing from the earth. That king who makes gifts of earth with due rites unto persons of the regenerate order, sports in bliss in the celestial regions, adorned all the while by the deities and Gandharvas. A century of Apsaras, adorned with celestial garlands, approach, O chief of the deities, the giver of earth as he ascends to the region of Brahman. Flowers of excellent perfumes, an excellent conch and excellent seat, an umbrella and excellent steeds with excellent vehicles, are always ready for the person how makes gifts of earth. By making gifts of earth a king can always command flowers of excellent perfumes and heaps of gold. Possessed of all kinds of wealth the commands of such a king can never be disobeyed anywhere, and cries of victory hail him wheresoever he may approach. The rewards that attach to gifts of earth consist of residence in heaven, O Purandara, and gold, and flowers, and plants and herbs of medicinal virtue, and Kusa and mineral wealth and verdant grass. A person by making a gift of earth acquires in his next life nectar yielding earth. There is no gift that is equal to a gift of earth. There is no senior worthy of greater respect than the mother. There is no duty higher than truth. There is no wealth more precious than that which is given away.'

"Bhishma continued, 'Hearing these words from the son of Angiras, Vasava made a gift unto him of the whole earth with all her jewels and gems and all her wealth of diverse kinds.

Friday, 22 December 2017


The sage Vrihaspati hath spoken of four kinds of means for the acquisition of wealth, viz., 
  1. inheritance, 
  2. sudden accession due to luck or the favour of the gods, 
  3. acquisition by labour, and 
  4. acquisition through the aid or kindness of friends.


Dharmaja asked Bhishma thus: “O grandsire, what is the difference between a common man and a king. I think there is no difference between the two. Both are having two hands, two legs and one head. In that case, how will a King keep control over his subjects, protect them and punish them. How will a King be equivalent to God. Kindly tell me.” asked Dharmaja.

Bhishma continued to say:

“O Dharmaja! In Kritayuga, there was no king. Only Dharma prevailed. All were acting according to Dharma. One was protecting the other. Gradually, greediness and selfishness entered the minds of human beings. Dharma began to diminish from time to time. Men were addicted to evils. Desires sprouted in the minds of human beings. Unable to control the desires, they developed hatred and enmity upon others. They gave up studying Vedas. Adharma prevailed rampantly.

At that juncture, Indra and other divine bodies went to Brahma. “O God Brahma! On earth, studying Vedas diminished. Yajnas and Yagas are not being performed. Dharma declined.” said Indra.

Brahma smiled. “I will take remedial steps. Dont worry.” said Brahma.

  1. Brahma created Neeti Sastra (Moral Science). In that he created King, Minister, citadel, treasury, friends, collecting news, Danda neeti (penal code); he created three kinds of persons viz, enemies, friends and neutrals; sending emissaries and making peace pacts etc., and included four paths to be followed by human beings viz, Dharma, Ardha, Kama and Moksha. This text consisted of one lakh chapters. It was to be followed by the entire universe to keep it pure and spotless. 
  2. At that time, a divine body called Visalaksha was born from the forehead of Brahma. That Divine body had no beginning and end; he was the creator of this universe; he was ancient. Siva was born in the name of Visalaksha. Visalaksha studied the one lakh chapters of Neeti Sastra. Visalaksha thought that the life and wisdom of human beings was not sufficient even to study the said Neeti Sastra. Hence he abridged the said Neeti Sastra into ten thousand chapters. 
  3. Later that abridged edition was studied by Mahendra who abridged the same into five thousand chapters. 
  4. Later Brihaspati abridged the same into three thousand chapters. 
  5. Then Sukracharya abridged the same into one thousand chapters. That was called Sukra Neeti. 
  6. Later several sages and saints composed the said Sukraneeti into small volumes. 
In this manner, Neeti Sastra was abridged from time to time.

All the divine bodies went to Lord Vishnu and told him about the evolution of Neeti Sastra and prayed him to depute one efficient person to execute the same in the entire universe. Lord Vishnu created a divine personality with his Amsa. He was called Viraja. Lord Vishnu made him the King of this Universe. But he refused to rule the universe. Kardama was the son of Viraja. Kardama also refused to rule the universe.

Ananga was the son of Kardama. Ananga was made the first King of this Universe. Ananga ruled this Universe as per the precepts in Neeti Sastra. Ananga applied Danda Neeti to his subjects. Later his son, Neeti succeeded him. He married Suneedha, daughter of Mrutyu. Venu was born to him.

Venu was succumbed to desires and lust. He was teasing his subjects. Great sages and saints churned his right thigh with Darbhas (long grass). From his right thigh, a black, fierce form was born. He was called Asuchi. The sages and saints said: “Nisheeda Nisheeda” (means sit, sit). Hence, the descendants of Asuchi were called as Nishadhas. Nishadhas lived in the Vindhya mountain regions. They were cruel and wicked.

Later, the sages and saints churned the right arm of Venu. A divine personality with natural armour, bow and arrows, chanting vedas, was born. Immediately, Danda Neeti enunciated in the Neeti Sastra influenced him. That divine personality asked the sages and saints the purpose for which he was created.

“Your name is Vainya. You have to shed anger, greediness, wickedness, desires, and egoism and treat the people in the Universe equally. You have to follow the Neeti Sastra and protect Dharma. You should rule the Universe without giving importance to your personal feelings and desires and without fear or favour. You have to execute Danda Neeti and protect Dharma. You have to protect Vedas and Vedangas. You have to avert inter-change of castes and protect Brahmins and righteous persons.” said sages and saints.

“O sages and saints! With the help of Brahmins, I will execute the works entrusted by you.” said Vaina. Brahmins also agreed to assist Vainya in ruling the Universe.
Then all the sages and saints crowned Vainya the King and Emperor of the entire Universe. Sukra was appointed as Chief Priest. Sarasvata community in Valakhilyas was appointed as Ministers. Garga was appointed as Chief Astrologer. Indra and Kubera provided sufficient funds. Thus, Vainya ruled the entire Universe following Neeti Sastra and Danda Neeti. In the ruling of Vainya, all the people on earth lived peacefully, enjoying worldy pleasures.

O Dharmaja! As the king saved brahmins and people from great disaster, he was called Kshatriya. Therefore, all the descendants of Vainya were called Kshatriyas. All the descendants of Vainya ruled this Universe, following Neeti Sastra and Danda Neeti. As Vainya descended from Lord Vishnu, henceforth, all the kings were regarded as descendants of Vishnu. Therefore, ruling of people was entrusted to Kshatriyas.

Wealth was born from the forehead of Vishnu. Wealth was married to Dharma. Ardha was their son. Therefore, Dharma, wealth and Ardha are always under the influence the King. Therefore, King is above all, though he is having one head, two hands and two legs. He is different and separate from other humans. He is pious, righteous and virtuous. He is entitled to attain Svarga. King descended from Vishnu only is capable of executing Neeti sastra and Danda Neeti. Therefore, Varna-Ashrama Dharmas, Customs and Practices, Vedas, Puranas, Itihasas etc. will be under the control of King. With the blessings of Lord Vishnu, King was endowed with beauty, prowess, tact, temper etc. Therefore, King was treated equivalent to God.
